Baran Bulkat

J.D. · California Western School of Law

Baran Bulkat is a former consumer bankruptcy attorney with extensive experience in Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy filings as well as debt settlement. He has authored numerous bankruptcy and debt management articles on as well as other Nolo sites. He has also updated a previous edition of Nolo's book, How to File for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy.

In addition to his bankruptcy experience, Baran also worked as an analyst and compliance manager for a large financial planning firm where he obtained his Series 7, 24, and 66 securities licenses.

Baran received his undergraduate degree in business management from Georgia Tech and his law degree from California Western School of Law.

Articles By Baran Bulkat

My Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Was Dismissed for Nonpayment. Should I Appeal?
Can you save your Chapter 13 bankruptcy case if the court dismisses it because you didn’t make your monthly plan payments?
The Marital Adjustment Deduction in Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
If you’re married but filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy without your spouse, the marital adjustment deduction can reduce the amount you pay back to general unsecured creditors.
Can I Keep My Home in Bankruptcy if I Am Behind on HOA Dues?
In most cases, if you are behind on your homeowners’ association (HOA) dues, the HOA can place a lien and foreclose on your property. Whether filing for bankruptcy can help you keep your home will typically depend on whether you file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. What Is an HOA Lien? In
Can I Join the Military If I File for Bankruptcy?
Depending on the branch of the military you wish to join and your particular circumstances, you may need to meet certain financial eligibility requirements before you can enlist in the armed forces. In most cases, a bankruptcy filing will not automatically prohibit you from joining the military. But
What to Expect at a Chapter 7 Reaffirmation Hearing
When you reaffirm a debt in Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you enter into a contract with your lender (called a reaffirmation agreement) that makes you personally liable for the obligation despite your bankruptcy discharge. Many debtors reaffirm secured debts in order to keep the asset pledged as collateral for
How to Modify Your Chapter 13 Repayment Plan
In Chapter 13 bankruptcy, one of the most important documents you file with the court is your proposed repayment plan. Your repayment plan outlines which creditors you intend to repay and how much your monthly plan payments will be. Because most Chapter 13 plans are three to five years long, many things
Appealing the Dismissal of a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
The bankruptcy court can dismiss your Chapter 13 case for many reasons. In most cases, you can file a new bankruptcy right away. But sometimes it can be in your best interest to appeal the dismissal order to a higher court for further review.
Reaffirmation Agreements in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Except for certain types of debt that survive bankruptcy such as back taxes and child support obligations, most of your debts will be discharged (wiped out) at the end of your Chapter 7 bankruptcy case. If you owe secured debts (debts for which you have pledged property as collateral), your personal liability for those debts will be discharged in bankruptcy too.